Fauna Habitat

Port land and the surrounding port waters provide habitat for many species. Mid West Ports' objective is to operate in balance with marine fauna so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are maintained.

Several bird species reside in or frequent the port, including: the red-capped plover, the little pied cormorant, silver gull, and the protected Eastern Osprey. There is one established Eastern Osprey nesting tower in the Port, which has been an active breeding location for over 20 years.  A varying range of other marine and aquatic birds can also be observed at any time around the port.

Marine mammals, including dolphins and Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) are commonly sighted around the port.

Australian Sea Lions are a much-loved Geraldton icon. The Coral Coast region provides nationally important breeding grounds for Australian sea lions, with Geraldton home to a small, non-breeding colony.

The rock breakwater approximately 150m north of the port’s eastern breakwater and Esplanade is known locally as ‘Seal Rocks’ as it is used regularly as a haul-out site.  

Community consultation undertaken for the development of the 2020 Port Master Plan, highlighted the importance of the resident sea lions to the local community. Mid West Ports plans to initiate a formal sea lion monitoring program and is committed to working with stakeholders to increase awareness of the sea lion population.

The preservation of sea lion habitat during any future port development is a commitment of the Port Master Plan (Mid West Ports 2020). The Australian Sea Lion is listed as ‘Endangered’ under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

One of Mid West Ports' environmental objectives is to ‘provide stewardship of Champion Bay through environmental leadership’. MWPA is proud to have a history of supporting local conservation related initiatives which align with this objective. In 2021, Mid West Ports was proud to be one sponsor of the WA Threatened Species Forum 2021, which was hosted in Geraldton by the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council WA (NACC).

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